Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hi, I'm Roslyn. Sorry if i posted up my scribe post late, I've been very busy. But yeah on Friday morning, Ms. Nickelson (Sorry if i cant spell the last name correctly =/ ), explained to us the stretches and reflections of a quadratic formula.

Stretches :
ex. f(x)= 2sinx <-- stretches vertically any number greater than 1 stretches vertically. ex. f(x) = (1/2x) <-- stretches horizontally any number greater than 1 compresses horizontally. Reflections:
If there is a negative sign in front of the formula,
ex. y= - f(x)
then the graph flips over the x-axis.

If there is a negative sign inside the brackets,
ex. y = f(-x)
then the graph flips over the y - axis.

And yeah thats pretty much what we did last class. And we were assigned exercise #8.

Tomorrow's scribe will be ALANNA.

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